Leo Kottke & Mike Gordon October 23, 2005 (aka Aaron's 24th Birthday) The Michigan Theater Ann Arbor, Michigan Taped and Transfered by: Aaron Israels DPA 4061's > SP Battery Box > SBM-1 (Todd Mod) > JB3 Jb3 > usb > G4 powerbook > Spark XL > xAct > Flac OK, heres what I have to say, before you download this show, PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING. About five minutes before I left for this show, I got a call informing me that the show was no taping (venue request, not the band). WTF? I was fully prepared to run my open rig, but now I had a small set back. I threw the stealth rig together and took off. On top of this setback, it was my birthday and people were over hanging out before the show. These events coupled together put us at the show late. Right when we got there I ran to the bathroom to suit up. But right when I got into the bathroom, the band hit the stage. I missed the first song and a half. Yeah, we all know that this sucks, but there is nothing that can be done about it now. There is NO OTHER SOURCE FOR THIS SHOW. I'm really not into the idea of posting an incomplete show, but there simply is nothing else available. The recording is very listenable. The levels are a little low (compared to the clapping) as it was a quit show and I was stealthing. There is a bit of chatter from the two ladies behind me (informing eachother and those around us that they think Twist and Ya Mar might be Phish songs! Thanks Ladies; thats wonderful to know!!! Also, they found it necessary to inform all their friends that they thought I was recording the show! Another wonderful thing to talk about instead of simply watching/listening to the show like normal people!!!) Actually, crowd noise is next to none, but there is just a few isolated instances that drive me crazy. Overall, I think it sounds OK for it being my 2nd stealth outing. What's the point? Well, if your looking for an amazing flawless copy of this show, you're not going to find it. If you're a fan, I would suggest downloading it. I wish I could have gotten the whole show; I also wish I could have run my open rig, but there's nothing we can do about it now is there. Anyway, to those who download, enjoy! Oh yeah: F*ck you bootleggers, I hate you; do us all a favor and walk your ass out into oncoming traffic!!! Md5 Contents: lkmg2005-10-23d01t01.flac:6d1d569ee2b96e76732738f134afc513 lkmg2005-10-23d01t02.flac:4aa3b9b79ffe4d5655317d9bed4cce50 lkmg2005-10-23d01t03.flac:2c9ed5b40bda65e2f09002c1d7b6642d lkmg2005-10-23d01t04.flac:522f8e67ed96def5226093156455ffc1 lkmg2005-10-23d01t05.flac:5aa5ec4c4cd91835847a88ee5e97006d lkmg2005-10-23d01t06.flac:ba5c32cff0e14ff632612f6636624e40 lkmg2005-10-23d01t07.flac:2c37047e540664fb9b375725799a7078 lkmg2005-10-23d02t01.flac:253b0a7bf6f58debca0d85f662963a12 lkmg2005-10-23d02t02.flac:57a42d2cfe55fafaaa549d6cc8b18d1e lkmg2005-10-23d02t03.flac:9f1a30e566b34bc7ff89ea0e0c32da25 lkmg2005-10-23d02t04.flac:fa6077ad9a2011de2acbad2ba090c6b1 lkmg2005-10-23d02t05.flac:ff7107e995e8dedf314e0f20b8356b14 lkmg2005-10-23d02t06.flac:ec3b60e95c498d16d113c3fe64ed204d lkmg2005-10-23d02t07.flac:6c91f1e6fb8f9f182473ce3b924f988c